Monday, October 1, 2012

World Vegetarianism Day

Today, on the 1st of October, it is the worldwide day of vegetarianism!
And, as recent studies show it, more and more people, especially young ones, decide to live without consuming meat.
This is, for many reasons, a really good developement!

Animals are living beings, just as humans are. They have personality, feelings, and should have the same right to live as we admit every human!
Instead of that, humans put them together in small boxes, practise factory farming and finally kill them in often very cruel ways.

But the most people do not really think about the fact that meat is really a piece of a dead body of an animal and that this animal died for them!

For example, in the last time, I also saw a lot of people not understanding the motivation and what it means to be be vegetarian.
Especially in Turkey and Hungary, where I was for short holidays, but also here in Greece, I recognised that many people do not understand, why a person wants to be a vegetarian.
When I went to small diners or also to restaurants and asked for something vegetarian, they offered me something with chicken or with sausages, so things which are still made out of dead animals.
People have to realise that!

Why should someone be a vegetarian? 

Good for environment and against hunger worldwide:

Depending on the kind of animal, for one kg of meat, you have to grow and feed 6-10 kg of plants.
So, 70 % of the worldwide cereal production is used just to feed the livestock!
If you would use these cereals to feed humans on the direct way, a lot of people would not have to starve anymore.

Furthermore, every cattle sends into the air about 250 l of methane. According to the searching findings of the scientist Joseph H. Reichholf, this kind of gas is 23 times more dangerous for the atmosphere than CO2 and, because of that, livestock breeding is more harmful for the environment than than the traffic all over the world together.

Good for your health:

It is proved by different scientific researches, that adequate vegetarian nutrition is more healthy than nutrition with much meat: you do not get ill so quick, and it helps to avoid overweight and to regulate the blood pressure.

And, the most important thing:

It helps to stop the cruel violence towards animals!!

So I invite you all to use this day for informing yourself a bit more about vegetarianism and for being a bit more aware about what you eat!

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